Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Signs of Fall - The Subtle and Simple Things

Here in north Florida the signs of fall are so subtle and simple. No wildly colored crimson and gold leaves for us! No, we measure seasons more accurately by whats comes into bloom and what quietly slips away for a time.

Yes, our air gets a little cooler, but this fall the humidity and the sun's warmth is still seeping in the house. I'm more than ready to shake out a few sweaters and find the socks that have slipped to the very back of the undies drawer.

Taking a break from photographing children and families, I slip now and then into the garden with my camera. At present, the roses are blooming one last time before Christmas, and the few leaves left on the Crepe Myrtle are a gorgeous funny shade of brick red. Flowers that I've long since forgotten the names of struggle to produce a few flowers here and there. But, even if their colors have faded and their leaves are less than a spring-time shade of green, I still love my plants and the seasons they reflect.

Check out the Pampas grass photo as it bends to the breezes left behind by Tropical Storm Ida. It's tall and stately, soft and hardy. And, it only blooms as fall approaches - not a peep in the summer. It's one of the beauties of autumn here in northern Florida.

So here are few of my garden's last flowers. Until spring arrives, these cute little blooms will be all that remains.


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